How to install mobile home skirting

Out of sight, out of mind! It’s a saying that’s too often true about making repairs around the base of your home. Problems with manufactured home skirting are common, and replacing your mobile home’s skirting is easier than you might…

Mobile home window replacement

If the frame on one of your mobile home windows is warped or severely weather damaged, replace it. Even if the frames aren’t warped or damaged, windows that seem to constantly need repair or adjustment should be replaced. A new,…

Love Bites—Get Umbrella Coverage

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In today’s economy, everyone is pinching pennies.  So why worry about umbrella coverage?  Shouldn’t a home and auto policy leave you adequately covered?  Unfortunately, we live in a world of lawsuits.  Large damages can be awarded, be extremely expensive and…


Hurricane season is underway and will last until November 30. Many organizations already have an action planprepared for emergency evacuations and safe locations , but in a moment’s notice there are other very important items that could make a difference in hurricane survival.


When it comes to school safety, we tend to focus on the time that children spend inside the building. While this is a significant amount of time each day, it’s also important to consider how they get to and from…

Active Shooter: Prepare to Prevent

Active shooter incidents have become a concern for all in recent years. These incidents occur without warning and quickly progress. Although they cannot always be prevented, organizations can take steps to help minimize the impact to their organization, employees or…

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