Beaux Knows Insurance

YouTube video

Welcome to our website and #beauxknowsinsurance

On this site and on our YouTube channel beauxknowsinsurance, we will give you the knowledge to make sure your insurance does what it is supposed to when it really matters. We’ve helped thousands of clients already uncover massive gaps in their current insurance policies and have made sure they didn’t end with a claim that left them financially bankrupt! 


I’ve been in the insurance business for 27 years and between my team members we have over 60 years of experience.  We’ve used our experience and extensive training to saved people from having an insurance claims nightmare.  

Here to Help You

I started this blog section and YouTube channel beauxknowsinsurance to make sure you have the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your insurance purchases. 

I’m going to help you make sure your insurance does its number one job, keep you from going financially bankrupt because of a claim. 


I’m going to make sure you have the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about buying insurance so you can feel good about what you are buying and trust you made the right decision. Here’s the deal, insurance is expensive and complicated; I think you deserve to understand what you are buying, and I’m the guy who will take the time to make sure that happens.  

On this website and my YouTube channel beauxknowsinsurance, I am going to cover the things you need to know from A to Z about insurance so you can know what you are buying.  

What you will learn

  • keys to buying the best policy
  • common gaps you need to watch for
  • what you really should be paying attention to in your insurance
  • and the ability to look at your individual insurance needs so you can know what the right option is for you


You’ve worked hard for your home and the life you’ve built for your family. Don’t take a chance in losing that because of a massive gap in your current insurance. So if you want to make sure you’re insured correctly and that you understand what your insurance does….. be sure to go to our Youtube channel beauxknowsinsurance click subscribe button now and click the notification bell, so you get the alerts when I post a new video. I’ll post here and on our Youtube Channel, #beauxknowsinsurance every Thursday. So go there and click that subscribe button right now!  

To get started, check out the two videos we see more questions about than ANYTHING ELSE: Best Homeowners Insurance and Uninsured Motorist Coverage. After you watch them be sure to let me know what you think and ask any questions. Thanks for subscribing. I’m really excited to help you on your journey! See you each Thursday – Until next time!

Find out what is different about us today:

Text or call: 318-336-5202

Email We’ll be glad to take a look at your insurance coverage in any of the states of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

Thank you,

Beaux Pilgrim, CEO

You can start a quote HERE

Dave Ramsey Endorsed


PS. You can meet our team HERE

You can start a quote HERE

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